AdriftNYC looks beyond the shores of New York City’s five boroughs, to the waterways that keep New Yorkers afloat. Host Cathy Boyle Almeida shares her adventures visiting 30 bodies of water that lap the shores of New York City.

In each episode, Cathy visits a new waterway and shares conversations she’s having with historians, marine scientists and creative New Yorkers about these places.

AdriftNYC will open your eyes and minds to New York City’s waterways. To boot, you’ll discover at least one place you’ve never been to before.

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Cathy Boyle Almeida

Who is Cathy and why is she hosting this podcast?

Simply put, I love the water. I was a competitive swimmer and lifeguard, and I’m an avid scuba diver. I learned to sail in New York Harbor and my husband and I spent our wedding day on the Hudson River. This podcast is a fun way for me to learn more about the waterways in my backyard. I hope it will be the same for you.

Cathy Boyle Almeida

Professionally, Cathy is a marketer and writer. She is currently the Vice President of Digital Creative Strategy for a leading health and wellness brand. AdriftNYC is her passion project, and her latest creative endeavor.